It's true. This Friday is Alphabet Soup's last show. We've had a good year, but it's time for us to go our separate ways.
I (Jane) will be going off to Australia in the fall.
Devon will be rocking out solo, expanding your musical knowledge.
Chelsea and Kelsey plan to have a radio show about rhymes. Not really, but it should be considered.
David will be jamming? not jamming? I'm not really sure.
We'll keep you posted on when you can tune into our delightful DJs next semester on WTBU. If you want to hear my voice though you're going to have to get skype or something because I definitely won't be streaming live on or here at BU on channel 6.
For our final show, we'll be playing songs that start with the letter E for the end.
Thanks for being loyal listeners, and don't forget you can listen to alphabet soup whenever you want by downloading
mp3s of all of our old shows.
Coming soon: highlights of the past year